
Mesmerizing Photos of Astronomical Objects

Wayne Reed Website
2007 Jupiter
July 7, 2007 10 Minutes of Ganymede shadow transit ending
Wayne Reed Website
2007 Jupiter
June 15, 2007 45.6" x 42.7" Angular Size. Major changes in the cloud belts from 2006
Wayne Reed Website

2006 Jupiter
May 30, 2006 Io & shadow transit. 43.8" x 41.0" Angular Size.
See more of this series
by clicking on image

2005 Jupiter

Wayne Reed Website
June 4, 2005, 39.7" x 37.1" Angular Size

May 9, 2005, Europa transit, 42.5" x 39.8" Angular Size

Wayne Reed Website
Wayne Reed Website
Wayne Reed Website
April 9, 2005 Jupiter with Io 44.1" x 41.3" Angular Size
Wayne Reed Website
April 4, 2005 Jupiter with Ganymede 44.2" x 41.3" Angular Size

2004 Jupiter

Wayne Reed Website
Wayne Reed Website

H-Alpha Solar Images Click on any thumbnail to browse gallery

White-Light Solar Images

Tuthill Solar Skreen filter, 8" LX90, prime focus at f/10.
ToUCam with IR filter, processed with Registax.
Full-disk images from SOHO for reference

Wayne Reed Website
Wayne Reed Website
Comet 17P Holmes 10/28/07 20:30PM EDT (00:30 UTC). DSI-PRO at f3, Stack of 180 1-sec. exposures. Nucleus at upper left in bright portion.

Faint Fuzzies or Deep Sky Images

Unless otherwise noted, images taken with monochrome DSI-Pro on 8" LX90 SCT in Alt/Az Mode with Envisage Drizzle for de-rotation.

Wayne Reed Website
8/29/11 Supernova SN2011fe in Galaxy M101
Wayne Reed Website
5/18/09 NGC 4567 & 8 Siamese Twin or Butterfly Galaxies 14" f10 Alt/Az SCT, Meade DSI Pro, f6 FR
Wayne Reed Website
5/18/09 M104 Sombreo Galaxy 14" f10 Alt/Az SCT, Meade DSI Pro, f6 FR
Wayne Reed Website
11/3/07 NGC7331 The Deerlick Group of Galaxies in Pegasus Taken at French Creek at f3
Wayne Reed Website
12/8/07 M42 Orion Nebula Through Cheap Refractor DSI-Pro, Meade 60AZT piggybacked on Alt/Az LX90, f6 FR, stack of 8 sec. exposures
Wayne Reed Website
2007 M57 Ring Nebula in Lyra

Color-Contrast Double Stars

Adobe PDF format, SkySafari Observing List, and Meade Tour MTF format files for download

In 2001, I wanted to try my hand at writing a Meade Autostar Guided Tour for my LX90 telescope. I chose color-contrast double stars, because Albireo (beta Cygni) was the kind of celestial object that visitors to our public star parties can enjoy under light-polluted skies. I underestimated the difficulty in finding sources of these objects, as many references contained a few, but I could find no substantial list. I began compiling a list of every referenced object of this type that I could find. As the list grew, I decided to expand it to an Excel file with more info than would be appropriate in a Guided Tour file.

One idea that I persued was to find a quantitative way to compare and rank these objects. I found that B-V Color Index data is available for many of these stars. Since this provides a number that represents the color of the star, I reasoned that the difference between the B-V Indexes of the two stars would give a measure of the color contrast. Doubles with a large difference in B-V Indexes should present the best visual color contrast. As I am colorblind, I prefer these quantitative measures to subjective observations. I also listed color descriptions from as many sources as possible, showing how much our perceptions of the colors vary from one observer to another.

The Guided Tour (MTF) file is sorted by RA and constellations. The PDF version contains the Excel spreadsheet that I put together. It is sorted by RA and constellations, and then the same data is sorted by b-v color index differential. I like to print the first 3 pages, then feed the pages back into the printer to print the other sort on the back. In this way, I can flip the paper over to select which sort I want.

These files are offered free to the astronomy community as my contribution to all the great tour files I have found that continue to add value to my Meade LX90 telescope. I hope to eventually update the list with a few other objects that I have learned about since my last revision. I also hope to find color index data for more of the doubles when I can work on this.

If these files seem familiar, it may be because these files have been available in other locations since I created them. The tour file is in the files section of the LX90 Yahoo group, Weasner's ETX site, and some other locations. The PDF file has been available on the DVAA's site, They will remain on those locations as long as the owners of the sites want. As I now have my own site, I will make them available here also.I can provide an Excel (.xls) format version upon email request.​

Transit of Venus on June 8, 2004

Joint event with Delaware Valley Amateur Astronomy and Norristown Preservation Society at Trinity Lutheran Church in Fairview Village.

Click on poster at right for more detailed press release of event.

Images of event by Trinity Lutheran Church

Wayne Reed Website
Wayne Reed Website
Wayne Reed Website
Closeup in positive and negative of third contact
Wayne Reed Website
Animation of images through my LX90 telescope and webcam
Wayne Reed Website
Venus in Daytime
Wayne Reed Website

Messier & Messier A

Craters & Rays

ISS Transit of Sun 7/8/07

Composite of stacked sun & ISS

ISS Transit of Sun 7/8/07

Composite of stacked sun & ISS

ISS Visible Pass and Lunar Transit 8/25/05

Wayne Reed Website
Wayne Reed Website

Iridium #90 Flare from Towamencin Star Party, 9/29/06, 8:14PM EDT

​Canon Powershot S3-1S, Wide-angle(6mm), 15 [email protected], ISO 200, Piggybacked on LX90

ISS Visible Pass and Lunar Transit 8/25/05

Wayne Reed Website